Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Obsessions and Fascinations

In order to allow you a glimpse into my mind as I spend five or ten minutes contemplating my obsessions and fascinations, both past and present. Perhaps I will organize it into a semblance of a list, lists, or chronology. Perhaps it will be an amorphous blob (is there any other kind of blob?) of words.

arrested development, 24, red sox, nick drake, blue man group, wes anderson, mickey spillane, law & order, calvin and hobbs, reno 911!, american beauty, tool, aerosmith, christina ricci, old-school napster circa 2000, anything bill murray's made during his current indie flick phase, monty python, kids in the hall, will ferrell, acapella music, photography, basketball, fantasy sports, kaki king, steve martin SNL cameos, sandy the puppy, wesley willis, weightlifting (no really ask my parents, it happened), kings quest 1-6 (esp. 3 and 6, don't know why), infocom's "deadline" and "witness," sporks, did i mention will ferrell?, that Nextel commercial where the guys in the office are dancing to "Push It" by Salt n Pepa, "The Final Countdown" by Earth, "Safety Dance" by Men Without Hats, purposefully ignoring rules of capitalization, the question "What is it?", chips and salsa, mountain dew, david ortiz (deserves his own mention), guitars, cold nights while covered with blankets, van halen's "balance" album, guster, rustic overtones, the fitty, stratton, ghetto 42, tilton, 20 foster, coors, PBR, heffenweizen, and allagash white ale (brewed and bottled in portland, maine).

all for now. hope you enjoyed your tour. please remain seated until the vehicle has come to a complete stop.

Friday, December 17, 2004

Jan Martinez

Schilling, Schilling, Schilling!

(Boston Dirt Dogs Photo / Pete Berce)

Highly amusing.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Post-Midterm Celebrations!

I'd like to say that I'm done with my first semester of law school, but at BC the first semester goes until February, except for one class that goes until December and then stops and then starts again in March. It's not as confusing as it sounds.
Wait, yes it is.

Also, while I'm at it... if you're a Sox fan, or even a baseball fan, you have to check this video out. Hilarious. (Dennis Leary: "Yeah, that does sound like me.")

All for now, more to come. Freedom has never tasted so sweet.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Back to Back!

God, I love it when MLB screws up:

(click for larger, less heavily-distorted image)
(trust me, it's worth it)

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

be·noit, tr. v.

Pronunciation: b-noit
  1. To escape or avoid by cleverness or deceit: benoit the question.
    1. To avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing: benoit responsibility. See Synonyms at escape.
    2. To avoid giving a direct answer to.
    3. To baffle or elude: The accident benoits explanation.

be·noit·ed, be·noit·ing, be·noits