Tuesday, June 21, 2005

CBS's Definition of "Rock" is Vastly Different from Mine

When an ad for CBS's new reality contest "Rock Star: INXS" says, "This isn't some bubblegum pop show. These contestants really have to rock," do you think they mean actually rock? Or just play like INXS?

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Yes, I Am Still Alive. And I Still Hate the Media.

Greetings, loyal and disloyal readers. It appears that I am, in fact, still alive. Although I do not have time for a full post, some quick thoughts on the big four media stories of the past few months:

Terri Schiavo
- Turns out Terri Schiavo was in an irreversible, permanent vegatative state before she died. Furthermore, her body would have been unable to process that bread and water those vigilante protesters were so desparate to give her. Oh, it also turns out that Terri was totally blind because her visual cortex had been completely destroyed. What does this all mean? Maybe it means that doctors are better able to accurately diagnose patients than conservative politicians are. Go figure.
- The Bush administration and other right wing nuts still think they're right -- even in the face of conclusive scientific evidence to the contrary. Hmm... where have we seen this one before?

The "Runaway Bride"
- Guess what? People get cold feet all the time. So she faked an abduction. If it's illegal, arrest her. If it's not, leave her alone. But just shut up about it. It is possibly the least-important story to ever grab national attention.

Natalee Halloway
- It's absolutely terrible about what may have happened to that pretty white girl in Aruba. But (again) guess what? People disappear every day. Just because this is a pretty white girl in a tropical paradise doesn't make it more important. In fact, it's an insult to every family who has ever lost a family member under tragic circumstances. Where is Jesse Anderson's national media coverage?

And, finally, from a t-shirt I found for sale on the internet: