Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Dear Law Students,

It recently came to our attention that many of you commute to campus. In light of the dangerous accumulation of snow in the roadways over the course of the day, the campus shuttle will not be running today. Because we care deeply about the safety of our students, we are therefore requiring you to provide rides so that our undergrad students can safely travel between Newton and Main Campus. Undergrads are valuable commodities, so we ask that you drive carefully. Also, the Law School dining halls will remain open so long as undergrads are hungry. Thanks for the $32,000.

Boston College

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Dear Professor Yen,

I'm writing to inform you that I will likely be unable to attend class tomorrow. After conducting a thorough analysis of the relative risks and benefits, I have determined that it would be negligent of me to drive to campus for only one class. As you're probably aware, the university has cancelled all morning classes, which means that for 75% of Section 1, Torts will be our only class. In addition, I have owned my rear wheel-drive 1991 Volvo 240 for approximately two weeks, after having totaled my old car in a snow-induced accident over winter break. There was also something about Gov. Romney telling all non-essential state employees in Suffolk County to stay off the roads that leads me to believe that driving to campus (over a series of snow-covered hills, no less) would be an unreasonably risky activity.

Please realize that I am not saying Torts class provides no benefit whatsoever. I have simply weighed the benefit of a single Torts class ($300 worth of knowledge minus approx. $100 paid per class) against the risk of an accident or other car trouble (est. 35%), multiplied by the potential costs of having to repair or replace another car ($3000... and that doesn't include the accompanying insurance rate increase), and have concluded that it makes more sense just to stay home. I hope that if you were in the same or similar circumstances, you would do the same.

Having said this, I realize that not all of my classmates may have been able to assess these risks as accurately as I have. Some of them may even be unreasonable on occasion. Because of this, in the interest of protecting the students for whom you seem to genuinely care, I respectfully ask that you cancel class for tomorrow.

Mike Douglas

Yes, classmates. The email was actually sent at 11:30pm tonight, Sunday 1/23. Hopefully my argument for cancelling classes is more persuasive than my argument for why first cousins should satisfy a bystander's claim for negligent infliction of emotional distress. A little AMI humor, there.

Saturday, January 22, 2005

The New Quote Book

Frankly, I'm embarassed I didn't star this long ago. The list will grow, I promise.

"What color is your Siemens?" - AT&T operator, helping me determine which model of phone i own
"You can't pedal a tank." - Will Cosmas
"Esther is like a pearl." - Prof. Katz
"Wouldn't you all want to have a strand of Esther around your neck?" - Prof. Katz
"In my religion, Esther is a queen." - Prof. Katz
"I said a chip!" - Prof. Katz
"I can't hear you, William. Speak up!" - Prof. Katz

Sunday, January 16, 2005


'Nuff said

Thursday, January 06, 2005

The Final Answer

The original line-up of TGIF:
Perfect Strangers, Full House, Mr. Belvedere and Just the Ten of Us

Thanks, Maura, for finally settling the debate. :)